
    • Academic (e.g. well designed worksheet) If you enjoyed learning in a classic school environment, Academic learning style is for you. For those who enjoy: well-formatted worksheets, clear deadlines, and clear expectations.

    • Collaborative (e.g. Miro collaboration board with coach) If you prefer a fluid approach to your projects, Collaborative learning is for you. For those who enjoy: iterating, conversations with team members, and bouncing ideas off of others.

    • Tangible (e.g. In-person sessions) If you really struggle with endless Zoom meetings and get more out of in-person interactions, Tangible learning is for you. For those who enjoy: in-person meetings over virtual ones, hand writing and life beyond a screen.

    • Reflective (e.g. questions to reflect after session but no pre-defined formats) If you benefit from having time after a conversation to gather your thoughts, Reflective learning style is for you. For those who enjoy: journaling, pondering, and being able to loop back to a conversation once you’ve had time to put your thoughts together.

    • Flexible (e.g. a combo of all of the above, hybrid (online & in person) sessions) If you’re interested in a combo platter of the above learning styles, Flexible learning style is for you. For those who enjoy: variety, fluidity, and being able to experiment with different formats to find what’s right for you. This style is also great for those unsure what their preferred learning style is.