3 Mindset Issues Business Owners Face and How to Tackle Them For Good with Jocelyn Heng

Jocelyn Heng is inspiring online visibility and business coach. Today we gathered together to talk about the main mindset issues early-stage business owners constantly battle and the best ways to solve these issues and permanently move forward.

Jocelyn and I have both founded several businesses. I couldn't agree more with Jocelyn when she emphasized how important it is to keep trying and push forward. If you’re really passionate about your business and want it to succeed then you cannot quite simply because of a few small failures.

We also discussed the most common questions our students tend to ask us.

Jocelyn is an online business coach who especially focuses on timing and self-management with her clients. She knew very early on that she wanted to have her own business. She has tried to find success with a couple of different businesses, and although some were much more successful than others, she never let her failures stop her.

Three of the most common issues business owners face include:

  • Thinking they are not good enough, and dealing with impostor syndrome.

  • Thinking it’s not the right time because they believe they’re not ready or they don’t have the right resources.

  • Quitting too soon instead of working on figuring out how to better improve.

    She shared the best way to solve this hurdle is to strengthen your mindset and rewrite your story, repeat to yourself: I am capable of turning failures into long-term success.

    What you focus on is also critical, especially when you’re also working a full-time job while beginning your business. Some of the most important aspects to focus on when you are starting your business, but still, have a full-time job include:

    • Finding a schedule that works for you.

    • Remembering that time and energy management are very important. It’s important to learn to say no, and preserve your time and energy.

    • Knowing that it’s okay to cut down your social or entertainment time to focus on work, but you should never sacrifice your sleep schedule.

    Remember it takes a lot of trial and error to figure out a schedule that works for you, don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t get it right immediately.

    Regarding mindset issues, Jocelyn also has quite a few ways she helps her students get past these problems:

    • She reminds her students that they are in fact good enough, and they must believe so in order to find success.

    • If they are struggling with external circumstances, for example, “I don’t have this. . .” or “I don’t know how to do this. . .” she helps them focus on what they can change, control, and improve, and teaches them to stop dwelling on the things they can’t change. It’s important to alter those limiting beliefs.

    • She teaches them how to incorporate meditation into daily life in order to ease anxiety and focus on what is important.

    Learn more about Jocelyn Heng by listening to our full podcast. You can find her on Instagram, @jocelyn.heng.

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