Overcoming Unemployment in Germany: A Comprehensive Guide

An Expert’s Guide to Unemployment in Berlin. How to navigate the Agentur für Arbeit, AVGS vouchers, and your pathway forward

Losing your job in Berlin can be daunting, especially for expats unfamiliar with how unemployment works in Germany. The usual questions include:

  • What’s the difference between the Job Center and the Agentur fur Arbeit? 

  • Who am I supposed to register with? 

  • How do unemployment benefits work in Berlin? And how do I apply for them?

Trust me, I get it. I’ve experienced the hiring and firing cycles of the Berlin startup world of my early career in Berlin, and I understand the fear and uncertainty that accompany sudden job loss. It’s what inspired me to become a career and leadership coach in the first place. 

This guide includes some concrete strategies for navigating unemployment in Berlin drawn from my personal experience and expertise - I hope it helps!

Navigating Unemployment in Germany: A Comprehensive Guide for Expats

Unemployment can be a daunting prospect, particularly for expats navigating the notoriously complicated bureaucracy of Germany. The tech industry isn’t as stable as it was at its onset - downsizing and layoffs have become more frequent. For expats finding themselves amidst this tumult, understanding German bureaucracy and resources available for job seekers is essential. This article is for you if you’re looking for actionable steps to navigate unemployment in Berlin.

To offer a holistic view of unemployment, the guide below is separated into two sections - Soft Skills and Concrete Steps: 

Soft Skills: Self-Care, Reflection, Space, & Time

It might seem counterintuitive to take a break right after losing your job, but there will likely be some emotional realities to face in the wake of becoming suddenly unemployed. Check out the tips below on how to take care of yourself during this period: 

Allow Yourself to Grieve

Losing a job is not just a professional setback; it's a personal loss that warrants grieving. Many individuals rush through this stage, eager to jump back into the workforce. I’m here to tell you that neglecting the emotional impact of unemployment can hinder long-term resilience. Allow yourself the space and time to process your feelings before embarking on the next chapter of your career - this can look like spending time with friends and family, mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga, and ensuring your basic needs are being taken care of. 

(P.S. The right career coach can help with this part too!)

Reflect and Regroup

The initial shock of losing a job often leads us into a frenzy of job applications and networking efforts. While that’s a tempting coping strategy, it's crucial to take a step back and reflect on your work experience up until now. Here’s how:

  • Self-Assessment: Assess your strengths, areas for growth, and career aspirations. Are there skills that you’d like to learn, or certificate programs you’re interested in? How can you market yourself to future employers in a way that is aligned with you? 

  • Employer Reflection: What is your ideal work environment? Are you more interested in large corporate companies, or smaller ones where you can be a dynamic and agile contributor? What management styles help you thrive, and what are the qualities of the team you want to be on?

  • Non-Negotiables & Dreams: Identify your non-negotiables for future roles. What are your salary dreams? Does remote work interest you, or would you prefer to be in the office? 

Taking the time to reflect can provide clarity and direction for your job search journey and help you shape your career around your dream life.

Concrete Steps: Registering for Unemployment, Visibility, & Leveraging Your Experience

But Actually: Where Do I Register as Unemployed in Germany?

Glad you asked! Your concrete steps for registering as a jobseeker in Germany are below:

  1. First thing’s first - how do I know if I’m eligible for unemployment benefits (Arbeitslosengeld)?
    To qualify for unemployment benefits (Arbeitslosengeld), you must have been previously employed and contributed to the German social security system for a minimum period. Generally, you must have worked for at least 12 months within the past two years. You must be able to demonstrate that you are actively seeking employment and willing to accept suitable job offers - for example, it’s good to track jobs you’ve applied for on a spreadsheet that you can share with your assigned case worker. 

  2. How do I notify the Agentur für Arbeit?
    As soon as you become unemployed, it's essential to notify the local Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit) immediately. The easiest way to do this is online through their website, but you can also register in person at your local agency office. Provide details of your employment history, including your last day of work and the reason for your unemployment.

  3. What documents are required to apply for unemployment?
    The Agentur für Arbeit will require certain documents to process your unemployment claim. These may include your passport or ID card, residence permit (if applicable), proof of social security contributions, employment contracts, and bank account details. Additional documents may be requested if you’ve signed a Mutual Termination Agreement with your previous employer, or if you also have a mini-job on the side. 

  4. Okay, I’m registered. How do I schedule an appointment with the Agentur für Arbeit?
    After registering online or in person, you'll be scheduled for an appointment with a caseworker at the Agentur für Arbeit. During this meeting, you'll discuss your employment history, skills, and job preferences. Be prepared to provide detailed information about your previous work experience and any efforts you've made to find new employment. 

  5. When and how will I receive my unemployment benefits?
    Once your unemployment claim is approved, you'll receive financial support in the form of unemployment benefits. The amount you receive will depend on various factors, including your previous earnings and the duration of your unemployment.

  6. Besides health insurance and Arbeitslosengeld, what other services will the Agentur für Arbeit offer me?

    The Agentur für Arbeit may offer reintegration programs to help unemployed individuals re-enter the workforce. These programs may include job placement services, vocational training, and language courses.

Revamp Your Professional Presence

Once you’ve gained some clarity and processed your initial emotions, it’s vital to maintain an up-to-date professional presence. Dust off your CV, refresh your cover letter, and polish your LinkedIn profile. Regular updates help you showcase your recent experiences and keep you on the radar of potential employers.

Tap into Support Systems

Navigating unemployment alone can be overwhelming, especially if you’re an expat. Fortunately, Germany’s Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) provides various services aimed at assisting individuals in their job search and career development. 

Vouchers are the most prevalent of these offerings - here’s a breakdown of the two types of vouchers offered by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit to support job seekers in upskilling and advancing their careers:

  • Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein (AVGS): This voucher covers the cost of career coaching for job seekers. Coaching sessions delve into various aspects of career development, from job search strategies to personal growth. Expats can benefit from tailored guidance on navigating the German job market and overcoming cultural barriers. Some other upsides to individualized coaching include having an “accountability buddy” to keep you on the right track toward your dreams, professional mentorship on the areas in which you want to grow, and support in overcoming overwhelm. 

  • Bildungsgutschein: The Bildungsgutschein, or education voucher, enables job seekers to acquire new skills through training programs. Whether you're looking to enhance your technical abilities or explore a new industry, this voucher can give you access to relevant courses from certificate programs to German classes. This is your chance to leverage your experience and growth dreams to adapt to the evolving demands of the job market and broaden your career opportunities.
    (P.S. Coaches can also help you with this bit by providing resources, direction, and assistance navigating the Bundesagentur für Arbeits processes when applying for both types of vouchers.) 

Reflect, Reflect, and Reflect Again

This may sound like a repeat of the Soft Skills section, but reflection is one of your superpowers during this time of transition. Throughout this time of exploring coaching options and training programs, taking time to assess your career goals and skill gaps can help you maximize the benefits of Germany’s robust unemployment offerings.

Here are some key reflection questions to get you started:

  • Get really honest with yourself. What are your life dreams? How can the trajectory of your career make those dreams a reality? 

  • What are the skills you already have? What are the ones you want to acquire, either out of curiosity or because you know it would improve your employment prospects? 

  • What are your career goals? Is there a dream salary you would love to make? Or perks and benefits you want access to? 

Career coaching provided through AVGS can help clarify your objectives and chart a strategic path forward. By aligning your training efforts with your career aspirations, you maximize the impact of educational opportunities and enhance your employability in the German job market.


Unemployment can be an anxiety-inducing time for anyone, especially for expats navigating Germany’s labor market. With strategic planning and leaning into the support services offered by the Agentur für Arbeit, you will equip yourself with the tools to navigate this period from a grounded, aligned place. By leveraging resources such as career coaching and educational vouchers, expats in Germany can equip themselves with the skills and guidance needed to carve out a career aligned with purposes and values.

If you want to know how to get free career coaching while being unemployed.